Manannan’s Cloak (Wardfell) Barrule, a Manx Celtic trio from the Isle of Man, have released their second album, Manannan’s Cloak, an album of traditional Manx jigs and reels and old and new tunes, with some vocals in the Manx language. Manannan, “badd-ass Celtic sea god and protector of the Isle of Man,” is said to… Read more »
CD Review: Shire Folk

Barrule Manannan’s Cloak Wardfell Records Barrule’s second release is another delightfully dextrous set of Manx-inspired Celtic music from trio Tomás Callister (fiddle, tenor banjo), Jamie Smith (piano accordion, vocals) and Adam Rhodes (bouzouki, mandolin) supported by several skilled guests. Book-ended by two vigorous sets of jigs and reels inspired by ‘bad-ass Celtic sea god and… Read more »
CD Review: Songlines

Barrule – Manannan’s Cloak Wardfell Records (52 mins) **** De-mist-ifying the Isle of Man Manannan is the Celtic sea god who protects the Isle of Man from invasion by shrouding it in mist. There is perhaps an irony to Barrule’s second album’s title, as the trio’s noble mission is to cast off the cloak of… Read more »
CD Review: fRoots

Barrule – Manannan’s Cloak Wardfell Records EOTR04 Second album from a Manx group currently making big waves in Celtic music circles, and it’s mie er bashtal – very good indeed. Barrule are fiddle and banjo player Tomas Callister, bouzouki player Adam Rhodes, and accordionist Jamie Smith (yes, he’s also Welsh, but Manx by marriage and… Read more »
CD Review: Northern Sky Magazine

Barrule – Manannan’s Cloak (Wardfell Records) **** Anyone who has taken more than a passing interest in the traditional music of the British Isles will no doubt be pretty well informed of the Celtic music of both Scotland and Irelend and may even be familiar with the music of Wales, Cornwall and even Brittany. Somewhere… Read more »
CD Review: Bright Young Folk

Barrule: Manannan’s Cloak 2015 studio album Following the success of their self-titled début album, Barrule are back with 10 stunning new tracks. Manannan’s Cloak continues to celebrate Manx music and explores the tunes, song, language, mythology and culture of the tradition. The trio: Jamie Smith (accordion), Tomás Callister (fiddle) and Adam Rhodes (bouzouki) – each… Read more »
CD Review: The Telegraph

BARRULE: MANANNAN’S CLOAK (EASY ON THE RECORDS) **** Isle of Man trio Barrule – Jamie Smith (accordion), Tomás Callister (fiddle) and Adam Rhodes (bouzouki) – really fly on The Laxey Reels, one of the standout tracks on the enjoyable Manannan’s Cloak. The fiddle playing on Graih Foalsey (False Love) is a delight and the band… Read more »
CD Review: Folk All Blog

BARRULE CD Review Manannan’s Cloak If you want people to sit up and take notice of your album then you need an opening track which comes out with all barrels blattering much like The Wheel of Fire on Isle of Man trio Barrule’s new album. And if this is the kind of music which emanates… Read more »
CD Review: Spiral Earth

Manannan’s Cloak by Barrule review 11/05/2015 The debut album from this Manx trio deservedly won the ‘best debut’ category in the 2014 Spiral Awards. That was great album, but Manannan’s Cloak is even better in almost every respect, the one thing that carries over is the jaw dropping musicianship. For this album they have expanded… Read more »
CD Review: Louder Than War

Barrule – Manannan’s Cloak (Wardfell Records) Available 11th May 9/10 Written by Michael Ainscoe: 4 May, 2015 It was two years ago when the trio who make up Barrule released their first album, one which introduced many to the musical heritage of the Isle Of Man. It became Spiral Earth’s ‘best debut’ album of 2014… Read more »